06 March 2008

The Handshake

I was in the bathroom...... kind of hiding.... if you want me to be truthful. I did NOT want to meet a certain government official that had come to our Firehouse. I know how my Captain is. He will start bragging about me and make me feel embarrassed. I know he doesn't mean to. I know he is proud of me. I am proud of me too. But I am also proud of all my men. So I am wondering why he can't introduce my men to this government official. Oh, okay....... he already has. I am the last one left. And there I am in the bathroom, not wanting to come out.

"Come on, Sheena! Get out of the bathroom! I have someone for you to meet!" he says through the door.

"I'm busy!" I tell him.

"Well, stop being busy and get out here! You are embarrassing me!"

I care a lot for Captain Harold. I didn't want to embarrass him. He sure has a way of making me feel guilty. Darn!

5 minutes later, I emerge from the bathroom. My god..... they are all standing outside that bathroom door! What's up with THAT???

"Sheena, I'd like you to meet our Mayor."

I shook hands with the Mayor. He is suddenly shocked. He looks at his hand. It is dripping wet. Oh my god....... I forgot to dry my hands afterwards in all my nervousness.

"I'm sorry," I tell the Mayor. "I suppose I should have washed my hands first." (I meant DRY... but by that time, the Mayor had the most disgusted look on his face). I look at my men. They are trying so hard to keep straight faces.

My Captain does his signature gesture of "I can't believe she did/said that!" by slapping his forehead. At least I won't have to endure this meeting again!


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